The Future of Decentralized Oracle Networks : Plugin 2.1

This whitepaper outlines the expanded role of Decentralized Oracle Networks (DONs) in the blockchain ecosystem, detailing the key advancements of the Plugin Network to support a suite of decentralized services for smart contracts on any blockchain.

Technological Engineering

Plugin's decentralized oracle network prioritizes technological innovations to empower the creation of highly capable decentralized applications

Scalable and Resilient Architecture

Plugin's scalable architecture ensures fast response times and high data processing rates by combining on-chain and off-chain computing within hybrid smart contracts, efficiently handling complex tasks while maintaining blockchain security and integrity.

Plugin Improvement Protocol(PLIP)

PLIP enhances Plugin Decentralised Oracle network's stability and boosts performance for applications using Plugin's decentralized oracle network(DON). It offers robust node backup, improved RPC management, efficient reward distribution, and transparency.

Security and Confidentiality

Plugin boosts system integrity with strong confidentiality for sensitive data handling. It's security features include automated connectivity checks to prevent errors, secure node booting, and measures to prevent resource lock by unsuccessful nodes.

Abstracting the complexity

Plugin has developed an automation script for the validator nodes to set up the data feeds quickly with abstracted complexity. The deployment of oracle and contracts has been handled using Hardhat and creation of Jobs and bridges is powered with the help of shell scripts.

Node Reputation

Plugin has a strong reputation logic to assess and evaluate the trustworthiness and reliability of individual oracle nodes within the network. This system encourages nodes to consistently uphold high standards of performance and integrity, thereby fostering a secure and dependable environment for decentralized applications.

Reliable Data Feeds

Plugin strongly encourages the data feed providers to actively participate and constantly share trustable data. Node operators are rewarded for the trustable data and any false data will be penalized through the ‘carrot and stick’ method

Plugin Whitepaper

Available in English and Japanese Language

Plugin Whitepaper 2.1 - English Version

Plugin Whitepaper 2.1 -Japanese Version